Martin Holub

Blog & Personal Site

  • Prioritizing Rest Might Be the Best Biohack. Here Is Why.

    ‘How are you’ is a standard question we get, but how about the following ones: Do you like being busy? Does ‘busyness’ work for you? Are you getting enough rest and in the right form? These are quite simple questions but strangely enough, we rarely raise them with our friends, or ourselves.

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  • The Clean Indoor Air Manifesto

    Humans spend 90% or more of their time indoors. 90%, that’s more than some species of whale spend underwater. Spending most time indoors means breathing mainly indoor air, and it thus goes that its quality has important impact on our health.

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  • This Holiday Season, I Choose To Be Grateful

    The holiday season is coming, and the cultural message is that we need to host amazing dinner parties and buy expensive and intricate thought-out gifts. While that certainly won’t hurt, it takes the attention away from why we are doing this in the first place.

    ... Continue reading

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