Geometric principles underlying the proliferation of a model cell system
I have joined preLights and now will be highlighting a new exciting preprint now and then! For my first article, I have chosen a Bioarxiv paper by Wu et al. where they study cell-wall compromised bacteria and show that chromosome positioning and segregation is controlled by their geometry.
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Installing LabVIEW on Debian Linux
I am no fan of LabVIEW for multiple reasons, but the truth is, it is hard to replace when it comes to instrument control. Installing it on a Debian machine (e.g. Ubuntu) is possible despite not being officially supported by National Instruments. Here is how to do it.
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CharIoTeer, Smart Last-Mile Delivery Project @MakeZurich
In this post, I will tell you about an IoT device me and my team prototyped at MakeZurich week-long Makerdays. Keep reading if you are a maker, IoT enthusiast or a person interested in using IoT principles in a real world scenario.
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