Propositions accompanying the dissertation ‘Single-Chromosome Biophysics’

  1. Genome-in-a-box is a promising single-molecule methodology for studying the polymer physics of DNA. (Chapters 3 and 4 of the thesis)

  2. Condensin is a loop-extruding molecular motor that compacts megabase-scale DNA in vitro. (Chapter 5 of the thesis)

  3. Immunoprecipitation-based pulldown is a favorable method for isolating synthetic chromosomes. (Chapter 6 of the thesis)

  4. Countries should build biofoundries to enhance biosecurity and develop workforce for the bioeconomy. (Chapter 7 of the thesis)

  5. The culture of academic research is not keeping pace with advancements in the for-profit sector.

  6. Universities should establish fellowships that fund stays of industry professionals in academic labs.

  7. The foundations and practical experience of policy making must be included in graduate education.

  8. Need-driven research is a better investment of taxpayers money than research driven by curiosity.

  9. European countries must position themselves as attractive destinations for international migrants.

  10. The benefits of Shell’s domicile in the Netherlands far outweighed its environmental controversies.

These propositions are regarded as opposable and defendable, and have been approved as such by promotors prof. dr. C. Dekker and prof. dr. A. M. Dogterom.