Martin Holub

Blog & Personal Site

  • This Holiday Season, I Choose To Be Grateful

    The holiday season is coming, and the cultural message is that we need to host amazing dinner parties and buy expensive and intricate thought-out gifts. While that certainly won’t hurt, it takes the attention away from why we are doing this in the first place.

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  • The World on Scientific Canvas - Three Plots to Make You Think

    This is the first post in a new series where I highlight plots that I came across in scientific literature that will be interesting for a broad audience. Today I look at why poor stay poor (economic inequality), why you should move to Italy but not Singapore (labor productivity), and why you shou...

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  • Deep Dive Into Plant-Based Diets

    Plant-based diets have become increasingly popular in recent years, with many people choosing to adopt them for health, environmental, or ethical reasons. In this article, I will explore the origins of plant-based diets, their current state, health benefits, potential side effects, and their suit...

    ... Continue reading

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